Stumbling into the usual problems with dependencies when coming back to one of my pet projects after over a year today does confirm my bias to minimize the number of dependencies for my own code. In the beginning of my programming I was a little bit fanatic in wanting to understand everything by doing it myself. So I would go out of my way to implement the most low level stuff I needed for any problem I tried to fix. continue
Today I added support for Webmentions. Thanks to the awesome Javascript code provided by PlaidWeb I did not have to roll my own implementation. Looking at my first post receiving a Like I think it fits quite nicely into the overall scheme of my little corner of the internet :)

How to write a good bug report

In my capacity as a "hobby" developer and system administrator for a few small associations I regularly get requests from people if something does not work the way they want. Most of the time this sorts itself out because there was just a small network issue or it turned out to be an user error. But sometimes there is a bug in the system and that needs to be fixed. continue
Following the IndieWeb building block philosophy, I added a new feature to this website. From today on there is a little badge in the footer of my website which inidcates that it participates in a IndieWeb Ring.
Just stumbled upon PR 5559 over at the TiddlyWiki Github repository. Right now publishing directly from TiddlyWiki requires a full setup and fiddling with Node. If this PR lands my deployment will get even easier! πŸ₯³

How I build my site

A few days ago I promised I would write an article about my current setup, so here it is. WorkflowWhen I want to create new content this is the workflow I came up with: Writing: I write the article/note in one of my TiddlyWikis using Wikitext. This might take from a few seconds in case of a short note to a few days in case of this post here (because I am lazy and stop writing when a new rabbit shows up I want to chase which happens more often then I am willing to admit). continue

Generate UIDs for Tiddlywiki

How do I generate a unique title for a new Tiddler? Questions like this one pop up fairly regularly at the Tiddlywiki mailing list. I had the same problems when I just started out and so I know the struggle when one does not know how to create a Tiddler scheme that either does not need the title or does generate somewhat unique IDs automatically. For most things I do with TiddlyWiki I use it as a CRUD platform and create forms which modify and create Tiddlers behind the scenes. continue
Maggie Appleton wrote about bi-directional links and the Xanadu project in her post A short history of bi-directional links where she pointed out that a DigitalGarden would be ideal for internal bi-directional links since they are under ones control. Her initial inspiration of this concept came from Andy Matuschak who pretty much does the same thing I do for my notebook here in a TiddlyWiki: Anytime Andy links to another one of their notes on the site, it'll pop up as a related note at the bottom of the page. continue

Plain text blogging

I just stumbled upon a blogpost by Lindsey Kuper about her prefering plain text over a complex WYSIWYG blogging framework. Being a minimalist (borderline obsessed sometimes) when it comes to software I wholeheartedly agree with her about the ease of administration and migration. Having everything under version control feels save and one can simply start fiddeling away without having to fear breaking something. Not for everybodyI do not think however that this kind of setup is for everybody. continue
When testing my site with Monocle preview the post date was missing. This site runs Hugo, so I had to fix the date format string for dt-published: {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05+01:00" }}.

The Shawshank Redemption

Today we started the IMDB top 250 list marathon with #1 on that list "The Shawshank Redemption". Half way through that movie I realized I had seen it before when I was about 10 years old. Back then of course I did not understand what it was about and thought of it being somewhat boring. Whilst some of the scenes might seem a little lengthy compared to modern movies having at least 25 jumpcuts per minute I quite enjoyed the slower pace. continue
It is done! My website is live. Right now I support Webmentions and Indieauth. Another post how I set it all up will follow shortly.